The day started with a scene where it’s shot in an old house in PJ old town. It was like at 4 – 6pm and I tell you, damn hot man! Because the house had like zinc roof on it. Well I finally get to experience how it feels in one. Cannot imagine how it feels like during noon time. Arggghhh!!! It was certainly a good experience as I now appreciate more on what I have. We always complain about things we don’t have but till we see hardship will we appreciate our own life!
Lavin and Gabriel was in this scene. This is a flashback scene where I play as my Father, Lavin plays my mother and Gabriel plays me when I was like 3 years old. It’s Gabriel’s first movie. I must say, he did a great job! He had no problem getting around and did what he was supposed to do. I mean, this kid is like 3 years old. When I was 3, I was like this “Dunggu” walking around. Hahaha. My mom would was so proud of me answering the phone but I was like 7 years old then, hahahha. Bodoh right!!!! Well I guess, Gabriel, being in the cover of 14 diffe
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agazines helps huh!!! I have a funny feeling he is going to grow up as some kinda artiste …… hmmmm… I wonder why?????
The day moved on to a mamak store in Wangsa Maju. My ohhh my, the mamak was so huge that it looks more like a food court. And next to the place had like this huge KFC. It’s nice to sometimes step out or our home ground and goes exploring something new, huh!!!
Hey, can you guys stop eating all the food? there are props lah!!! Farah, you have been drinking like 4 glasses of teh tarik!! patutlah dah gemuk!!! Justin ask "hey you think i look better from my left or right?"The place was pretty humid, so humid that your face would be full of oil in a few minutes. Anyway, we had made our own news which was supposed to be played at the back ground while they shoot our scene. Our news

reader was “Yasmin Yusof”. I must say, so was very good in reading news, hehehe. In fact for a minute, I thought it was like for real. In fact it was done in NTV7, so it did look very real lah.
I was done by around 1am but I was told that the rest finish like at 5am this morning. Well, lucky me huh!! Juliana Ibrahim drop me home as I was too lazy to drive.
Hey that boom looks delicious lah, now that they told me not to eat the food on the table!!! said Farah..... "do you think i am fat?" ....well you can be a bit slimmer......!@@#$$%^^Anyway, today is another day. Day 2 shooting. I’ll be doing rock climbing with Rajif. A whole day event, I guess…… long day for me I supposed.
Christien New